The interior of Toad's house, with layered felt grass blades and translucent backdrop.
Toad's stove with unpainted PVC stovepipe. Hand lettered label and trompe l'oeil "windows".
Newspaper wall in process
Newspaper installed on Toad's house wagon
The Charlie Card sled was made of flooring linoleum, cut to 3'x5' and covered in muslin.
Charlie Card in process
Finished Charlie Card, with cups for scale
Toad's house with newspaper wall and stove, before set dressing
Production photo
Production photo
Charlie Card in action
8 - 11
Book and lyrics by Willie Reale
Music by Robert Reale
Stoneham, MA
Directed by Caitlin Lowans
Scenic design by Audra Avery
Lighting design by Chris Fournier
Costume design by Joanna Murphy
Unless otherwise noted, all materials © Holly Diaz, 2017